Cat Nail Health and Destructive Scratching Solutions

Your cat’s nails are the gateway to their health and behavior. Learn more about the importance of nail care and what to consider when scratching has taken over your home and sanity.

The importance of nail trims

Although a nail trim seems like a harmless, easy endeavor for you and your cat, for some it can be a nasty battle. Whether it feels like a kitty spa treatment or a never-ending conflict, trimming your cat’s nails on a routine basis is essential to their health and happiness. Nails that grow too long are at risk of curling back into your cat’s paw, causing painful wounds and possible infection.

Why your cat loves to scratch 

Whether your cat files her nails down by scratching or needs a little assistance from you or the vet, we all know they love to get those furry little paws on anything they can dig their nails into. They will scratch and knead anything, including their own litter box. A cardboard or natural material litter box allows your cat to scratch, play, and take care of business without the risk of getting their nails caught in the hazardous, plastic surface of a regular litter box. Giving your cat the option of natural materials closer to those found in the wild will satisfy their scratching urges more than digging into plastic.

Why cats scratch furniture

If you are a first-time pet owner or a seasoned kitty parent, you’ve likely discovered claw marks in every area of your home. There are many reasons your cat scratches everything in sight. They might be marking their territory, stretching their body, or scratching surfaces to file their own nails. It’s embedded in their DNA to scratch and leave behind their scent on the surfaces around them. Although sometimes it’s a painful display of affection on your leg or a playful attack on your favorite furniture, it’s what they love to do! 

A solution to the destruction 

Everyone loves their pets to the moon and back, but intensive scratching and kneading can quickly lead to a messy and destructive household. Stop letting your cat destroy your home and give her what she really wants. Have you ever seen a cat interact with a cardboard box? It may be one of the most entertaining interactions for both cats and humans. Kitty Sift offers litter trays that are made out of a natural, biodegradable cardboard material that your cat will actually enjoy using. They can scratch to their heart’s content and without destroying the surfaces not meant for their nails. Kitty Sift litter and litter trays are made of safe materials your cat will love!


Why Plastic Litter Boxes Are Bad For You, Your Cat, and The Planet